Our Services

Leadership Development

Leaders have significant influence over the engagement of our people, how well we collaborate with others and in driving the performance of our businesses. Our leadership development programs leverage the neuroscience of leadership and our practical experience to focus on developing capable leaders for modern workplaces. In our programs we help leaders to develop strategies that support them in leading themselves, leading their teams and influencing their organisations towards improved performance outcomes.

Psychological Safety

Engagement and the impact it has on business performance is a critical focus many organisations. A key challenge for leaders is being able to link engagement to performance in a tangible way to improve business outcomes. In recent years, Psychological Safety has been identified as a fundamental enabler of engagement and collaboration, and a key ingredient in creating high performance teams.

Using an exciting new and unique survey tool, Conductor Software, we are able to give our clients insights on the psychological safety levels for their employees and the tangible impact this can have on performance.

This survey takes around 3 minutes to complete and can be offered as a one off survey or a series of surveys to support real change.

We are accredited in Conductor SoftwareTM.


Based on the belief that no-one is more passionate about or accountable for driving your development and your career then you, our coaching services are designed to empower individuals in driving their own development journey. In our coaching programs we focus on building confidence, recognising career successes, understanding future development and strategies for managing self, leading others and influencing organisations. Using real world experience, we work with you to create tangible and practical development plans for you to action.

These services are offered at all levels of the organisation.

We are accredited practitioners in PRISM Brain Mapping and our programs can include this tool to support insight.

Facilitation Services

Our facilitation services are tailored to our clients needs, providing the opportunity for our clients to use a safe environment to create strategy, refine their purpose, deliberate on complex business issues and to enhance team building.  With more than 10 years experience in designing and facilitating business, team and strategy planning sessions, our process harnesses the collective intelligence of the group and strongly focuses on purpose alignment in helping to deliver practical plans and outcomes.

Business Transformation

Leveraging our real world experience, in change, process redesign and people leadership, we work with clients to lead their businesses through critical business transformation to support sustainable change.

Our experience includes: operations and functional reviews, structure design, process redesign and merger implementation.

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